Indiana Aspiring Superintendent Academy

Invest in your leadership development by participating in the Indiana Aspiring Superintendent Academy (IASA). Join the next generation of superintendents by participating in a highly interactive blended learning opportunity to gain an understanding and knowledge of the role of school superintendent. The Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents and the School Superintendents Association (AASA) proudly present the Indiana Aspiring Superintendent Academy, a future-focused, groundbreaking aspiring superintendent academy for all educational leaders. IASA is designed for district, building, and teacher leaders who aspire to the role of superintendent.

Program Highlights

  • Mentoring and Networking – IASA cohort members will be matched with a current superintendent who will serve a dedicated mentor. EPIC Graduates who have demonstrated ongoing commitment to staying current and improving their leadership development skills will be given priority to serve as mentors for the Indiana Aspiring Superintendent Academy and the New Superintendent Mentor Program. AASA Curriculum Framework Customized for Indiana – The IASA curriculum, Leadership for the Twenty-Second Century, Learning and Cultures, and Student Impact, is adapted to meet the needs of Hoosier educators.

  • Capstone Experience – IASA cohort members will participate in a leadership demonstration capstone activity to culminate the experience.

COHORT 8 2025 Dates

Session 1:  February 26, 2025, 9 – 4 pm, In person (Old Oakland)

Session 2:  March 19, 2025, 4 – 6 pm via Zoom

Session 3:  April 23, 2025, 9 – 4 pm, In person (Location TBA)

Session 4:  May 14, 2025, 9 – 4 pm, In person (Old Oakland)

Session 5:  June 4, 2025, 9 – 4 pm, In person (Old Oakland)

Session 6:  June 25, 2025, 9 – 4 pm, In person (Old Oakland)

IASA Participant Testimonials