Professional Development Program Opportunities
IAPSS proudly offers professional development program opportunities, tailored to fit the unique needs of our members.
Indiana Aspiring Superintendents Academy (IASA)
IAPSS, in partnership with the School Superintendents Association (AASA) proudly present the Indiana Aspiring Superintendent Academy (IASA), a future-focused, groundbreaking aspiring superintendent academy for all educational leaders. IASA offers a highly interactive blended learning opportunity designed to help participants gain an understanding of the role of the K-12 public school superintendent. IASA is designed for district, building, and teacher leaders who aspire to the role of superintendent. Find out more information on the IASA Program Page.
New Superintendents Academy
Educators new to the role of leading a K-12 district face many opportunities and challenges. IAPSS is committed to providing support to these leaders through ongoing, focused support. We are your professional organization and your support system as a school superintendent. IAPSS is positioned to provide you, as a new district leader, professional development and a network for communicating with others serving in the role of superintendent.Find out more information on the New Superintendent Support Programs page.
Superintendent Mentor Program - Survive to Thrive
The Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents believes that the implementation of an effective, relevant, diverse, and responsive mentoring program is critical to support the work and success of educational leaders that are new to the role of School Superintendent. To address this critical area of professional development, IAPSS has developed a program that is grounded in research-based best practice, relationship-based mentor/mentee partnership, skills development, thoughtful placement of mentors, and connected and ongoing communication. The core foundation of the IAPSS Mentor Program is centered on supporting the mentee with a collaborative professional relationship that elevates a first-year Superintendent from the status of “surviving” to the professional competency level of “thriving.” Find out more information on the New Superintendent Support Programs page.
Educators Preparing Inspired Change (EPIC)
IAPSS proudly presents EPIC, a groundbreaking leadership excellence program for Indiana’s public school superintendents. EPIC is designed to position superintendents for dynamic leadership in their districts. Based on the feedback provided by sitting superintendents throughout the state, the experience will build skill in many areas including strategy development, budgeting/finance, change management, community/stakeholder outreach, building a high performance team, board relations, and more! Find out more information on the EPIC Program Page.
Women Educators Leading Learning (WELL)
WELL is designed specifically to build and grow the capacity of female leaders in the K-12 space. Seventy-five to eighty percent of the nation’s public school teachers are women, however women only represent twenty to twenty-five percent of the nation’s public school superintendents. Indiana’s statistics are the same. Women Educators Leading Learning is in its second year of existence in our State. The goal of WELL is to provide support for women leaders in order to gradually increase the number of women serving in the highest-position in K-12 schools, by providing networking opportunities for all women leaders (principals, district office leaders and superintendents) in Indiana. Find out more information on the WELL Program Page.
ExCo: IAPSS Executive Coaching Experience
IAPSS is pleased to introduce a unique executive coaching opportunity tailored to sitting superintendents eager to enhance their leadership journey and revolutionize their professional lives. The ExCo: IAPSS Executive Coaching Experience will be implemented in two phases, with the first phase starting in March 2024. Find out more information on the ExCo Program Page.