New Superintendent Support Programs

IAPSS proudly provides support to new superintendents through TWO amazing opportunities, the New Superintendent Academy and the New Superintendent Mentor Program, Survive to Thrive. These these two programs provide complementary support for first-time superintendents to foster a great transition.

New Superintendent Support Programs

The Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS) proudly supports new superintendents with two exceptional programs: the New Superintendent Academy and the Survive to Thrive New Superintendent Mentor Program. Together, these programs offer comprehensive and complementary guidance to ensure a seamless and successful transition for first-time superintendents.

  • New Superintendent Academy

    The IAPSS New Superintendent Academy consists of two seminars that provide information and awareness necessary for a new district leader to navigate their role. For the 2024-2025 school year, the seminars will take place on September 12 and October 2. Please reach out to Lana White with questions.

  • Mentor Program

    The IAPSS New Superintendent Mentor Program is a relationship-based one-on-one mentor/mentee partnership grounded in ongoing communication and 27/4 support. Mentors are selected and trained based on the needs of our incoming superintendents. Contact Deb Lecklider for more information.

It is recommended that new superintendents participate in BOTH IAPSS New Superintendent Programs, as they are designed to provide complementary support.